
To run the Lions Martian Race we need about 50 volunteers each year. The race cannot be held without them. They help in many ways in the lead up to and, most importantly, during the actual race.

Roles include course setup, marshalling, dispensing water at the water stations, car park supervision and helping in the event village (Bag drop, number collection etc).

if you are interested then please register by email to martianracehorsell@gmail.com indicating if you have any previous experience of volunteering at a race or alternatively . If you have a particular role that you’d like to do then mention this also. Your help would be much appreciated.


If you are a marshal then you will be responsible for manning a key point along the route, such as a turn or a route-split, where runners benefit from the reassurance of a person to reinforce the directions given by the course signage. Your primary role will be to make sure the runners follow the correct route. You may also need to render assistance if a runner is injured or feels unwell. And finally you can cheer on the runners as they pass, they really appreciate such encouragement.